This Saturday: Celebrating the Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)

Join the IECOC on Saturday, May 13th, in celebrating the birth of the 12th Imam of Ahlulbayt, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (as).
Imam al-Mahdi was born on the 15th of Sha’ban, 255 AH/869 CE in Samarra, Iraq. The only son of Imam Hassan al-Askari (as), it is believed that He went into occultation to reappear before the end of times to restore justice and equity. The celebration of the birth is significant in that it reinforces our commitment to justice, equity, love, and the principles and values of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Ahlulbayt (as).
The program will begin after Maghrib prayers, with various presentations including a keynote speech by Dr. Qazwini, and an annual fundraiser. All are invited to participate in this joyous event!