IECOC Hajj Booklet

Hajj Booklet
IECOC’s latest publication entitled “The Greatest Journey: Rites of the Hajj and Umrah” is now available.
The Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, is the journey of a lifetime. Islamic teachings hold that the Hajj pilgrimage is mandatory upon all able Muslim men and women, at least once in their lifetimes. Furthermore, the spiritual, moral, and social benefits of Hajj are numerous. Hajj unites millions of Muslims from across the globe, transcending racial, ethnic, national, economic, and social differences, all turning to God in worship and devotion. Pilgrims, after engaging in a number of physically demanding rites, achieve spiritual purification through the forgiveness of their sins. Pilgrims are reminded of their responsibilities towards their Creator as well as their responsibilities towards their coreligionists and humankind, including expressing care, kindness, humility, and compassion in their lives.
IECOC’s Hajj booklet serves as a great resource for both pilgrims and those who wish to gain a better understanding about the Hajj pilgrimage. Please contact IECOC at 714-432-0060 or to order your copy of “The Greatest Journey.”
We pray that all pilgrims travel safely and that God accepts all of their rites and acts of devotion.