Muharram Program Highlights

IECOC held its annual Muharram program this year from October 15 to 25. The nightly programs included youth presentations / poetry, English lectures by Sayed Jafar al-Qazwini, Farsi lectures, and lamentation. This year, Imam Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini presented nightly lectures in English and Arabic at Imam Ali Center in Toronto,…

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IECOC Hajj Booklet

IECOC’s latest publication entitled “The Greatest Journey: Rites of the Hajj and Umrah” is now available. The Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, is the journey of a lifetime. Islamic teachings hold that the Hajj pilgrimage is mandatory upon all able Muslim men and women, at least once in their lifetimes.…

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