Books by Dr. Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini
The Brother of the Messenger
Available on Amazon
The Brother of the Messenger paints a vivid portrait of the life and enduring legacy of Amir al-Mu’minin Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib. Known for his unwavering faith, unparalleled wisdom, and unyielding justice, Imam Ali has served as a role model for mankind for centuries. Prophet Muhammad raised the Imam as his own, considering him his closest confidant and brother until the day of his death.
From his early acceptance of Islam at a young age to his critical role in protecting the Prophet, Imam Ali played a pivotal role in shaping the course of Islamic history. This book delves into his key contributions, including his bravery in battle, his inspirational sayings, and his just governance. The Brother of the Messenger is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the profound legacy of one of Islam’s most revered figures.
Monotheism: The Identity of God
Available on Amazon
Monotheism is defined as the knowledge of God through the discovery of His Identity and Attributes. It is the first step to understanding religion, as without it, the intricate details of faith would be incomprehensible. Recognizing God is the key to understanding His messengers, apostles, scriptures, Divine Justice, the Day of Judgment, and ultimately, our journey and responsibilities in this life.
This book serves as a brief, yet essential, introduction to understanding the theme of monotheism and its branches from an Islamic perspective. Using the Qur’an as a primary source of discovering God, this book probes many pressing questions, such as: Why does a Merciful and Wise God allow suffering to take place on Earth? If God is truly Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient, as monotheists suggest, why do we not see any intervention from Him to stop different types of miseries all over the world? Ultimately, this work provides a deeper understanding of how human beings can connect with God and live a fulfilling life of faith and service to Him.
An American Muslim Preacher: Nuances of Islam in the West
Available on Amazon and at IECOC
This work presents the outcome of over three decades of Islamic preaching and educational work in the West, particularly in the United States. It combines the author’s personal research and observations with interviews conducted with various activists, scholars, educators, and academics in the United States, including both men and women from Sunni and Shia backgrounds.
The book explores the religious, social, and political identities of American-Muslims, tracing the history and rise of Islam in the United States, and examining the state of Islam and Muslims in contemporary America. It also delves into the objectives, approaches, capabilities, and impediments of da’wah (Islamic preaching) and tabligh (conveying the message) in America, outlining the characteristics of an effective religious preacher in this context. Additionally, it addresses important topics related to interfaith and intra-faith dialogue. The book concludes with a summary of the author’s personal views and recommendations on educating others about Islam in North America, offering practical insights based on extensive experience and research.
Discovering Islam
Available on Amazon and at IECOC
Discovering Islam offers a fresh approach to introducing Islam to non-Muslim readers by elaborating on the basic tenets of a faith which is practiced by over one-sixth of the world’s population. The author explores the ‘Pillars of Islam’ – the foundational theological beliefs – and then delves into the ‘Roots of Islam’ – the essential practices such as prayers, fasting, and almsgiving. Additionally, the book provides an explanation of the various Islamic texts that Muslims refer to for religious and spiritual guidance. The work concludes with thoughtful responses to contemporary questions posed by non-believers concerning social life in Islam, human rights, women’s rights, political activism, and other important topics.
Shia Islam
Available on Amazon and at IECOC
Shia Islam seeks to bridge the gap between the Islamic schools of thought by clarifying common misconceptions about Shia Islam and explaining its unique philosophies and practices. The author discusses these issues primarily through the lens of the Holy Qur’an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet as related in the books of hadith. The primary goal of this book is to promote true Muslim unity by encouraging dialogue and fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse ideologies within Islam today.
From Resolution to Revolution
Available on Amazon and at IECOC
This collection of discussions delves into the problems and challenges of the current era and offers solutions to counter them. It is more than just a transcript of over thirty lectures delivered during the lunar month of Muharram; it provides an in-depth exploration of the human struggles and experiences faced by Muslims and non-Muslims on a day-to-day basis. Although the words are primarily directed towards a youth audience, other readers will also gain valuable insights into the unique experiences and challenges that today’s youth encounter. This book highlights the importance of a tailored approach to defining and addressing the social and religious issues that pertain exclusively to them.
When Power and Piety Collide
Available on Amazon and at IECOC
Over fourteen hundred years have passed since Prophet Muhammad unified rival tribes, neighbors, and believers to form one community – the Muslim Ummah. However, since the moment that the final Messenger publicly declared his Prophethood and message, the internal relationship of the Muslim ummah has yet to fully synthesize. Why is this so? And how can one better understand the complexities and dynamics of Muslim communities today? To comprehend the current state of the Muslims, it is essential to take an objective and in-depth look into Islam’s history and its key figures. When Power and Piety Collide chronicles the early history of Islam, its development during the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the period shortly after his death. The book sheds light on the reasons why Muslims have yet to establish a fully harmonious Ummah, providing critical insights into the intersection of power and piety throughout the early years of Islamic history.