Eid Prayers at IECOC

The first of the month of Dhul-Hijjah is Monday, August 13th. Therefore, the Day of Arafah is Tuesday, August 21st, and the Day of Eid al-Adha is Wednesday, August 22nd.
On Wednesday, August 22nd, the IECOC will celebrate Eid al-Adha with Eid prayers starting with Takbeerat at 7:30 am sharp. Since Eid falls on a weekday, we kindly request those in attendance to park behind the building along side the airport fence so as not to disturb our neighbors.
Eid al-Adha marks the occasion in which Haj pilgrims near the end of their journey by offering sacrifice, charity, and prayers. We ask God to bestow a safe journey on all who are performing the pilgrimage.