Your Generosity Counts

Your Generosity Counts

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the IECOC has always prioritized the safety and well-being of the Muslim community in Southern California. For many years we have created an empowering environment for people of all ages with a special emphasis on the youth.

However, this could not have been possible without all of your immense support and generous donations.

Now, due to COVID-19, our programs have adjusted to the virtual environment as we have been providing lectures and recitations online. Nonetheless, our expenses have remained about the same. To continue the programs, IECOC is in need of donations. Since we are a non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible.

You can donate in the following ways:

Via Check:
Islamic Educational Center of Orange County
3194-B Airport Loop Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Venmo: @IECOC


Thank you in advance for your generosity!