Eid Prayers at IECOC on Thursday, May 13th

We are pleased to announce that Eid al-Fitr Prayers will be held in person at the IECOC on Thursday, May 13th, 1st of Shawwal. Takbeerat will begin at 6:50 AM, with Prayers following at 7AM sharp. A second round of prayers will follow immediately after at 7:30 AM for those who cannot make the first prayer. Indoor and outdoor seating is available.   
If you plan to attend in person, please use the following link to check in beforehand and fill out a short questionnaire: https://uqr.to/IECOC  

In order to make this a safe and enjoyable experience, we kindly ask our attendees to observe social distancing measures and to refrain from any physical contact. Wearing a mask throughout the service is required and is strictly enforced.   
Since Eid al-Fitr falls on a work day, we ask that you park your vehicles in the back of the building complex along the fence of the airport, so as not to cause any inconveniences to our neighbors.
Zakat al-Fitr is $15 per person, and must be paid by the head of the household on behalf of the household members. Fees may be paid in the following ways: 
1. Via cash, paid in person at the masjid and placed in one of the Zakat al-Fitr boxes.
2. Via check, made out to the IECOC and placed in a Zakat al-Fitr box or mailed in. Please indicate on the check that it is for Zakat al-Fitr.
3. Via the donation page of our website, found here: https://iecoc.org/donate/